Wednesday, February 18, 2009

California Dreamin'

Well, the family and I are here in sunny Southern California for our February "vacation". It is a vacation, in that we are getting out of the cold, and into some nice ass weather. Taking a vacation from health (the girls had their first mcnuggets, first McDonald's ever, and snacks and lollipops all day yesterday on the excruciatingly long flight(s)), and from life in general. It is a "vacation" in that we are seeing family, family and more family, and there's no time to just relax. Oh, the Lil' Rascal is not napping well, up and down every 15 minutes. Damn! And my fish tacos are on the way (BIL dropping them off while Drew keeps the ILs at bay...) I feel for my girls. Jet Lag is a bitch. I almost bit someone's head off yesterday after we arrived. And the Diva is NOT herself. Thankfully, she is napping peacefully, despite the other one's continual wake-ups. (We are all sleeping in the same room, at my best friend's house, thank god, and not with relatives.) Well, got to go before the BIL gets here, so stay warm! And I'll be back soon...


  1. first mcdonalds EVER!? that is amazing. mmmm Fish tacos....

  2. Hey, vacation is all about eating bad stuff. Have fun! :)

  3. I'm impressed that you;ve kept them away from McD's for so long! Enjoy!
